Registration Process

This is the most important process of all. This is where all the vital information is collected for TDLR and our database. First and foremost is the Building Owner information. A recent requirement of the registration process is providing the CAD account number (County Appraisal District). This requirement helps ensure the building owner information. The project registration instructions read: Building or Facility Owner (required) – Enter the name and contact information of the person or entity (company, corporation, authority, commission, board, governmental entity, institution or any other unit) that holds title to the property. The information provided is a part of the Project Registration Form. This simple piece of information drives most all this process involved in the system. We can register the project for you, or you can register the project online. Once all the information on the forms are complete the registration process can begin. We need the Project Registration form, or a copy of the registration receipt provided by TDLR, Proof of Submission form (POS), and the Project Submission Form. An Owners Agent Designation (OAD) form can be completed at this time as well if applicable.


Project Registration

Owner Agent Form