Request For Inspection

Request For InspectionAccessibility Requirements

  1. Submit the completed “Request for Inspection Form”, or a written request to complete the inspection. The RAS must have the request for inspection prior to performing an inspection. If the RAS does not have permission, a copy of this request along with a “Request for Inspection Form”, Form prepared by the RAS will be sent to the RAS to obtain permission and transfer permission to the new RAS. 
  2. Once the file is received we will contact the appropriate person to schedule the on site inspection.
  3. At the time of inspection the RAS will complete a required “Proof of Inspection” form to be signed at the time of the inspection. A copy of this form will be sent to the building owner.
  4. A detailed report of the findings during the inspection will be forwarded to the building owner.
  5. Any subsequent action will be noted within the report.